Airfield LOXN - Wiener Neustadt West
ELEV 935 ft (285m) RWY 04/22 1500x45m grass, RWY 09/27 840x30m grass, RWY 14R/32L 940x30m grass, RWY 14L/32R 940x30m grass, RWY 18L/36R 1620x45m grass, RWY 18R/36L 870x30m grass
Date 18 April 2015
Photographer Anton Wildberger

LOXN - Wiener Neustadt West / view to the south

view to the north

view to the west

Christen Husky A1, OE-ABV (2)

Schleicher ASK 21, D-5427

David Wildberger, FI Michael Kriz

Oliver, David, Michael

Michael, David



FI Michael Kriz

Schleicher ASK 21, D-5427


Robin DR 400/180R Remorqueur, OE-DYV

Christen Husky A1, OE-ABV (2)

Marcello Franzin

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