Airfield LOXN - Wiener Neustadt West
ELEV 935 ft (285m) RWY 04/22 1500x45m grass, RWY 09/27 840x30m grass, RWY 14R/32L 940x30m grass, RWY 14L/32R 940x30m grass, RWY 18L/36R 1620x45m grass, RWY 18R/36L 870x30m grass
Date 5 August 2005
Photographer Anton Wildberger

more pictures of this flight - FLIGHTIMPRESSIONS

BRDITSCHKA HB23 / 2400 Hobbyliner, OE-9279

Martin, Wolfgang


Flugring Austria Wiener Neustadt


Markus, Wolfgang

congratulation to the European Champion 2005 18m class / three consecutive times in its class

Wolfgang Janowitsch

Stefan, Christian

Wolfgang, Hermann, Martin
