Airfield LOXN - Wr. Neustadt West
ELEV 935 ft (285m) RWY 04/22 1500x45m grass, RWY 09/27 840x30m grass, RWY 14R/32L 940x30m grass, RWY 14L/32R 940x30m grass, RWY 18L/36R 1620x45m grass, RWY 18R/36L 870x30m grass
WNTV report about Wolfgang Janowitsch and his Student Pilot
Flight Instructor / Student Pilot Wolfgang Janowitsch / Daniel Wildberger
Ground Assistance Dr. Hermann Trimmel
Type / Registration Duo-Discus T / D-KIFO
Date 20 August 2004
Photographer Anton Wildberger

Wolfgang Janowitsch (18m class) winner of world gliding championships 2003, european championships and national championships Austria 2004 and 2005

WNTV (Wr. Neustädter Kabelfernsehen)
